Category: Blog

Offering cost-efficient solutions for creative design, effective web, practical mobile 

Most developers spend hours each day using their keyboard. Just like having a good mattress is a requirement for a good night’s sleep, having
How to quickly publish and deploy your NativeScript apps Nativescript is a framework for creating mobile apps using the familiar languages of Javascript, Typescript,
How to add multi-language support to NativeScript apps If your app targets users from different parts of the world, these users might like to
Adding Customizable Input Controls to an Application Customizing software can be hard on your staff, and your client’s billable hours. To remove some of
One of the biggest fears people have about implementing automation testing is that you’re going to miss a test that a manual tester would
A lot of modern web applications are using Angular to power their apps. It is a platform to allow us to create single page
Using moment.js to simplify handling different date formats While working with javascript’s built in date object is good for most basic operations such as,
When it comes to application development within the Microsoft Stack, there are two popular frameworks: Asp.Net MVC and Web Forms. was developed a
At Daxima we’ve used a number of development platforms to build amazing mobile applications, which included Xamrin, Phonegap, React and native IOS and Android
Having clients from all over the world, it’s important to let your customers know you’re open during their work hours. At Daxima, we have

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